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Great improvements on everything since last I've played it (maybe 2dd ago)

Everything works and I saw no bugs. Great equip cards; juice is there and is juicy; chara that talk when atk and die adds a lot of personality. Great job!

Dunno what is your goal for release, but consider going for puzzle quest route, or add even more stuff and go for a mobile "just one more turn" route

Random stuff I noted

- First hand of tutorial should be fixed: in my case the first move is to choose a card higher/lower to gain sp, well there was none. I know I can draw from the deck, but what about a new player?

- While I like the new ui and everything, at first glance I don't remember what bar is SP, an icon or just SP on the side can be useful for clarity. After I noted that I discovered by chance that you can click on your portrait and solve this problem, so you just need to say that asap to a new player(but maybe you did and I didn't read the tutorial) 

-I'm undecided if I like designwise to not allow to add multiple stun. It can be a super equip

-Shovel is maybe overpowered at one sp, in some maps you can chain a ton of stuns

-died at 2-3 by a snakeman.

Bad stuff

While I like your work a lot, I'm gonna be sincere and say it would be very hard for me to buy your game if I see it on a storefront. I reinstate my tip for puzzle quest or something super addictive: while your game is in a very good place right now, Ihmo it lacks the spark to make me say "I wanna buy this". 

(1 edit) (+1)

thanks for playing again!

First hand of tutorial should be fixed

it's a contentious design, but i purposely did this because i didn't want the tutorial to be able to be used as a "second player" and have it be able to be reactivated to tell a player if they've missed a card, if there's a suit match on the board they haven't seen, etc. i'm wavering a little on this stance now, but i think i have to trust that lost players will spam click around the screen until they find the "END" button (though the draw button should say "draw" or something to help in a case like this, i just wasn't able to find the space)

at first glance I don't remember what bar is SP

it needs to be readable at a glance, so maybe i will add an icon or something

so you just need to say that asap to a new player

it says it quite late in the tutorial. i hoped that giving the player tutorialization on how to interact with the game before telling them what is doing what would make the learning process easier

I'm undecided if I like designwise to not allow to add multiple stun. It can be a super equip

i think it's vital to the design since, for one thing, there are characters based on attacking only once per hand. if anything, not being multiple-stunned would be a super equip (not a bad idea...)

Shovel is maybe overpowered

i think it's maybe overpowered too. i had considered some changes but didn't have enough time before DD51

and go for a mobile "just one more turn" route
something super addictive
Ihmo it lacks the spark to make me say "I wanna buy this".

i wish i knew what was needed. actually, i find these comments too vague to turn into actions. it obviously does need juicy polish and that, if i don't drop it, is what i plan to add to it before saying it's complete

it would be very hard for me to buy your game if I see it on a storefront

through my research, i've found that solitaire games perform very badly and their only success is with boomers who collect and play solitaire games with milquetoast differences and say, if i may speak in a confusing analogy, that their solitaire with ranch is "so spicy"

deckbuilders are another story, and utterly bizarre games can perform near-adequately. unfortunately, i didn't realize how much solitaire would strangle the appeal of Solitaire Battle

in short - yeah, it would be very hard for me to sell it to you

oh, and thanks for telling me how far you made it. 2-3, not bad!