I guess it's really early in the works still. As it was mentioned world generation took really long and while the world looks big it also seem s to be very empty.
- Lightning spell seem to only strike myself, I couldn't figure out how to cast it to someone else
- Raising your sword for an attack is way too slow in my opinion.
- Not sure what happened, but one time an NPC defeated me, my player went to a "have mercy" animation, I jumped to try to get up and then the NPC was dead on the floor with a white triangle on it's head.
- Took a bit to figure out space ascends while flying, but CTRL didn't seem to work for descent so had to fall and take the damage.
I like the way height/weight reflects on the character model, is stats affecting it similar to Kenshi planned? Also like the way spellcasting worked in general (when it worked I mean), the animations reminded me of Morrowind.