Thank you for the detailed comment. The movement is the one thing which I'm not looking to change or fix anytime soon. It's a non-priority for the game's function.
The other two things you brought up - the ease of navigation, and the types of clues are problems coming from the limited scope I set for the prototype.
The fact that some solutions are obvious and some are obtuse is intentional but doesn't really work when they are all put together in one single mystery with 20 whole slots to solve. I think for future mysteries I will increase the number of possible clue trails you can use to reach an answer.
As the demo expands there will be less automatically added case pieces that you only find out through the notebook, and the needed case pieces will all be found "in person". This one puzzle is a mockup I used to effectively showcase how the systems work at this stage.
The case notebook navigation will undergo changes and improvements.