Regarding the gameplay and controls:
- Moving forward while strafing (holding down W+A or W+D) makes you go faster than normal
- Strafing sideways while turning the camera has a weird jittering on the camera (very noticeable when you zoom in via right click)
- Would be nice if there was a button to "go back" when you click on a slot that you have filled already without changing it (right know you have to close your notepad and open again)
- The outline of the ledger was confusing at first since until I realized that the slot next to the item should contain the item and the slot next to the person description should contain the person: mostly because if you read a filled out line as a sentence it reads weird (item [item] left by name/descriptor [person]). Maybe something like putting the slot under the descriptor would be clearer.
Regarding the actual content itself at the moment I'd say there are currently four categories of clues:
- The busywork, where you just need to enter the obvious (box of junk is box of junk, Dale Corridge is Dale Corridge)
- The direct connection that's really easy to figure out (toy radio, Mr. Wane)
- The reasonable connection for which you need to look up things (nice tits, bald guy)
- The guesswork where infromation is very limited, contradictory or non-existent (barrels(2), old beardly, blondie, ???)
Maybe I just didn't find all clues, but at the moment there are quite a lot in the last category where I feel like it ends up to just trying to enter possible candidates, except since you only get confirmation once everything is filled that would need quite a number of tries which I admit did not have the patience for. Personally I think category 3 is the best balance between easy and obtuse for detective games, especially if clues can string to each other.