This is pretty fun!
I played without looking at the screenshots which I realise now would have helped me understand the game quicker.
At first I was a bit confused and thought that AWD and Left Up Right were just two possible different ways to control the movement of the robot, i.e. I didn't realise that the AWD controlled movement of the robot, and the arrow keys controlled movement of the arm/shooting. I worked it out by accident when I decided to try using the arrow keys to move because it seemed like it might be more comfortable.
Because I was playing in a browser that wasn't full screen, I could see all of the play area except the little platform at the bottom. So I was confused why I kept falling and dying. I initially thought it was breakout where you are controlling a thing that doesn't need to stand on a platform, you just hover in space, but for some reason I kept dying. But it was obvious what the problem was when I made the browser full screen.
I like that you can still move by using the gun after you lose your wheels.
It took me quite a while to understand that if you get hit once you lose your jump-pad, if you get hit another time you lose your wheels. The jump-pad especially, I just found that I couldn't jump and didn't make the connection and thought I was pressing the wrong button or something.
I don't understand if there is any significance to the enemy robots starting with grey arrows then that changes to red arrows.
I think Green arrows means the robot has hurt you, but won't hurt you again? I am not sure. At first I thought it meant the robot had become your friend!
It's fun realising that you can get to the higher platforms by using the guns recoil to jump higher. But for me it seems easier to get a high score by just staying at the bottom and shooting the robots while you're there. It's a little bit of a shame that you can do this fun thing, but it seems safer/smarter not to.