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oh! you meant card modifiers. thanks for clarifying both of those points.

you're right that the descriptions of shield card modifiers are lacking, i'll improve that. they're active while on the board for the player who put it there, they even add a little shield icon to its holders HUD and an ARMOR stat to the HUD when examined.

i had thought that the LIMIT tutorial was clear:

As you gain SP, your LIMIT increases.
While over 4 LIMIT, you gain less SP.
Ending your TURN reduces your LIMIT by 5.

"less SP" is shorthand for half SP when <10 and quarter SP when >=10. though i think i'll change it to "at 5 or more LIMIT" and "half SP". the LIMIT HUD bar's text also flashes, but i realize now that it flashes at 6 or more, when it should do it at 5

i also realize that the LIMIT tutorial doesn't mention that drawing a card lowers it by 1

i didn't exactly want LIMIT to be something you have to track, just to have players know that they can't go infinite and that they can end their turn in a smart position instead of trying to pick up more cards for less value