I really love this game but I'm having an issue sleeping with Hayden. He's currently at 26 liking points and my character is a submissive female. I keep visiting him at night and picking the bathing with him option but all he does is bathe with her, slightly raising her libido.
It's getting kind of frustrating having to reload all the time so I don't waste my coin. I see in the comments that he needs at least 15 liking points so I'm not sure what else I need to do. I'm already chatting with him and helping with tasks.
Is it just something that happens randomly?
As a side note, can submissive girl pcs do anything with Logan, or future potential?
This is one of the few games that lets you play as a sub girl with Dom men with multiple options that doesn't force you to grow a dick or have sex with Dom women so I'm always nervous that sub girl pcs will get left behind (like what happens in a lot of games).
Like I said, I really love this game and keep up the amazing work!