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1. Hi there! What's your name? Want to introduce yourself?

My name is Ray, I'm 16 years old. I'm currently learning the fundamentals of game development though I do have some experience with python and a bit with C++. 

2. Did you participate in the last jam we held? If so, what do you plan on doing better this time? If not, what's your reason for joining?

This is my first jam, and It would be cool to learn game development from more experienced developers (in mostly real time)

3. What games are your favorites? Did any of them inspire you, or made you want to make your own?

I wasn't inspired by an of the games I play and I love too many to list here, but one of my favorite games would have to be fOrTnItE ... joking, it would be Zelda: BOTW and WoW.

4. Do you have experience with game development? What did you do/with what engine?

Yes, I have made a "game" following some tutorials on youtube (by heartbeast, Platform shooter), I continued by adding a heart power-up, a game over screen, 2 new enemies,etc. But it was some really basic stuff, and I want to start becoming an intermediate at programming and game development (all this on GMS 2). I am also attempting to make a basic RPG by myself only using free assets online (they have everything expect working autotiles for rpgs, like I don't care how it looks, just want it to be able to be made into a tileset (Though I'm pretty sure it's me and not them...) and asking questions, lots of 'em.

5. Tell us about something you're passionate about!

I love to read, and everything else a person would be passionate about. I also like to write a bit, and chocolate is my life.

6. What are your goals for this game jam?

Learn the fundamentals of game development and see if I am capable of making a basic game within the time limits (was it 2 weeks, I don't really remember . . .).