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Pretty decent but unfinished. The main menu looked pretty unfinished and ugly which made my expectations lower but the main game's visuals are much more appealing. The gameplay loop get's old REAL quick but it was quite fun the first few minutes. I didn't have time to finish the game but i will definetely do it because im curious about the ending. And speaking about the ending, the story of the game is pretty depressing which threw me off guard. Imagining that all fish are intellegent like human's and suffer pain after one of their own die is NOT a comforting thought. The art style is pretty unique and reminded me of my early ms  paint drawings. Overall decent game. Good luck on your future project's!

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for the play! This was our first game jam so we ran short on time as well as both of the devs being either bad or quite beginner level at art so our options were limited in that regard haha! We had planned more enemy variety and abilities that could be purchased, these would probably have spiced up the gameplay loop a bit! But as said before we ran short on time so those were ultimately cut for the game jam version but we may go back and add those later. Also due to these time problems balancing took a lil hit, days could have been either faster or something else could have happened to spice up the day a bit more! 

Thanks for the feedback, access was proud of the art he did so I'm sure he'll be happy you liked it! And I'm happy its decent haha, better than bad! We will bear it in mind making future games!