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I really like the concept of this game, and it could easily be fleshed out into a more full release.

There were quite a few bugs (I clipped out of bounds a few times, going left after respawning from the boss fight reset me to the beginning of the game, the music somehow duplicated and was playing overlapping itslef)

Aside from the bugs, I wish that I didn't have to be so precise when clicking on targets to warp to. It would be great if clicking would warp you to the nearest target to the click within a certain radius rather than needing to click directly on the target. The one section where you have to warp along the ceiling felt clunky rather than just needing skill.

But if those got fixed, this could be a genuinely great game. The combat/puzzle elements were top-notch, and could totally be expanded.


Thanks for the feedback and I like the more generous warp idea, I’ll fix it all after the jam is done