I'm not sure I've figured out how this game works. What are the cards and how do you use them? (Like the NOPE card for example)
Hi there, ol' Zaozoruzhna here to help with a little clarification.
The way the cards work is that there are multiple different types: the standard card that you see for most options, the rare card (denoted with a gem top-center of the card frame) that typically is accessible through some prerequisite your daughter has hit (which btw, these choices usually lead to better/interesting content); there are also cards that have a swirl in the top left corner, which correspond to different tokens your daughter may have (culinary tokens, poison tokens, and wealth tokens), applying these tokens (by clicking on the swirl) will increase your odds of succeeding that skill check.
Lastly, there are the nope cards. Sometimes, rather than bothering with an event (as we do have a couple rather... longer ones sprinkled throughout), you just want to continue on with the game - the nope cards allow you to bypass an event without shortening the total number of events your daughter will get in the run (consider them like a mulligan.)
I hope this helps clarify, if you have any other questions, feel free to ask!