I finished the game (Peter died) with the 2.0 version, but I'll look at the 2.1 version to see your improvements !
- icons: you can use the ALT + 3 to ALT + 6 icons. You should have ♥♦♣♠ typographic icons that you can enlarge to put at the size you want. Or look at websites like publicdomainvectorsor freepik; maybe you'll find what you want.
- great for news about links and character sheet! ☺
- other games: I guess Après l'Accident exists only in french at the moment, and its author Nicolas Gulix is currently on others projects so I don't know if it will be translated. But A quiet year is for sure in english; and I have no doubt that many other inspiring games exist in English!
Yes I had fun with your game! I really like to see stories being build little by little according to luck (with cards and tables)