Hello! Your game was in my queue for reviews, so I'll take it seriously)
It's cool that you managed to write and release a working game in 2 days! I liked that you have a nice choice of colors, a separate scene with a menu, and the game mechanics are simple and balanced - you can fly for a long time, but the process does not feel too easy, and requires concentration, but not too difficult, so that there are no situations from which it is impossible to get out if you yourself have not flown into the problem area.
It also seems to me that the game corresponds to the theme of the game jam only formally with the description, because it is the reversal of roles that is not played out in any other way here.
I can assume that the game jam in this case acted only as an excuse to practice your skills, and here it seems to me that you really did a good job, since you managed to release the game on time, and it plays without bugs and errors, although it is really quite simple.
In any case, it's great that you participated in the jam, and you managed to assemble a complete game assembly in just 2 days! Good luck with future projects! :)