Well, I’m glad it worked then :D I wish I actually did sound like Luka when I sing, haha. The song was a real team effort between myself and my (sadly) ex-friend. It’s a long story, but he basically doesn’t talk to me anymore and I will never really know why because the last time we saw each other in person, everything was fine >.< he just pretty much ghosted me even though we used to live together! I know he got a girlfriend, so maybe that was part of the reason, but still. It sucks to have lost him as a friend :(
But yeah, anyways, he wrote the music, and I wrote the lyrics :3 Then we sang it individually because I was too embarrassed to sing my parts in front of him, so I made him leave the house while I recorded xD And once everything was recorded and he’d made the backing track, he edited our voices to try and make them sound more Vocaloid-like.
I wanted to try and sort of tell the story of the game in the lyrics without giving away spoilers, haha. I really love songs that tell stories, so I was inspired by stuff like Puppet in the Dark by FELT and world.execute(me); by Mili.
You should never feel stupid for asking questions x3 I know it’s easier said than done though >.< But if we didn’t ask questions, we’d never learn anything :3