It is indeed a mystery x3
Hehe, yeah, I think Ukyo is probably still one of my all-time favourites :3 I’m quite behind on otome games now, but I used to play them a lot before I started trying to make games x3 Quite often though, I wasn’t really that interested in a lot of the characters. The most recent one I finished was Cafe Enchante, and while I didn’t fall in love with any of the main characters, I enjoyed the overall story. Shiraishi from Collar x Malice was another one that I liked a lot :D I didn’t really enjoy most of Collar x Malice, but it was worth it for Shiraishi, haha.
Aww, you’re too kind x3 Sadly, you won’t be able to play the BxG version though cos I’m not even close to finishing it >.< It’s completely on hold at this point, but I do hope to try and make it someday! There’s just never enough time T_T
It’s frustrating trying to get friends who don’t like VNs to check them out, haha. I’ve tried in the past but they just turn their noses up at them and say stuff like they’re not proper games x3