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I surprised myself and won on the first go! I don't think it was too easy though.
I agree with others that being able to see the stats for the monsters would have been great!

My strategy ended up being spawning monsters as far away from the player as I could so they lived longer, because I was imagining if they die they don't produce money.

Eventually I was rolling in dough, upwards of $600/second.
I did not experience any bugs or technical issues and it was quite easy to control. 😀

I appreciated the tutorial as it helped me understand the objective without making me read one huge wall of text, and gave me enough time to read and absorb each point.


Thank you for the feedback! I'm glad you enjoyed it and I'm aware of the issues... I ran out of time before I could finish the enemy UI (enemy keybinds, stats, also balancing... 

I'm surprised you liked the tutorial though, it's still quite a lot of text 😅


I've seen things in this jam that make me realize just how much required reading there can be before you play a game! 🤣