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I liked the presentation and the art style. And the gameplay ain't bad. Awesome stuff, you should be proud of yourself. Game development is never easy, especially when you must cram all the development time into 48 hours. I don't think the game is anything particularly creative (that's totally fine), and I personally didn't have that much of a blast playing it. I think that's mostly due to the following reasons: 1. Attacking and combat felt unresponsive. I know there are some particles, but I really missed some sort of health bar or indication that an enemy has a taken a hit. Maybe a flash on the enemy? I also really disliked how the enemies felt very static and lifeless. I think some knockback would be great for better responsivnes. 2.  I really missed sound effects. Many game developers dont take sound that seriously, especially during jams, but trust me, it completely dictates the level of immersion a player feels while playing a game. 3. UI. I was kind of confused about when I was about to die. I didn't immediately get the fact that 0 power means 0 health. I often found myself wanting to just go bonkers on enemies, but I just couldn't because I was afraid of what was about to happen to my health if I did. 
Other than that, it's still a pretty awesome game overall.  It's pretty amazing what you put together in just 48 hours. I wish you the best of luck in the future!