Tuesday evening, I'll take it as Day 5.
Since last update, I spent most of the time messing around with the engine. That, instead of databasing, mapping, putting around placeholders. Not a waste, though. Made a workaround for the engine's "draw attention" system (like "taunting"), where an attack-all skill only hits once if there's someone with "draw attention" on. This will screw up a strategy in battle, so I can't tolerate it. And I've finished it.
Regarding lethal/non-lethal, kill-or-don't-kill branch, I might not implement it unless I get a worthy story to tell.
Player's skill database is done (for 4 characters). One theme of enemies' skillset is also done. Haven't made enemy groups, and maps are still only names. Equipments, only a few.
(Again, instead of adding more contents, I evented some... nice stuff. Which gave me an idea for a story.) Anyway, I've made myself a mix of fixed map-encounter and mob-spawn. (Because fixed map-encounter is too monotone but random-encounter is annoying)
Thanks for stopping by!