Alright, you've probably read the title so let me get to the point.
I'm aiming to make a choose-your-own adventure RPG. What the player does will affect the events of the game in some way. It's a simple, linear, one-shot classic JRPG with turn-based battle system.
Wolf RPG Editor English 2.10D
Main Features:
Two types of weapon: lethal and non-lethal. Non-lethal weapons aren't as good as its lethal counterpart, though. Basically kill or don't kill.(Scracth this. Don't have a good idea of using it. Also requires equipment customization, so see point #3)- In-battle events. Dialogs, transformations, add enemies/allies, abort battles, etc. will happen in battles. Turn count, remaining HP, actions used, etc. can trigger some events.
Static money? I don't know what to call it, but basically, buying price and selling price is the same. I want to encourage mix-and-matching equipments with this. Using consumables you've bought will return your money. :D(I'll come back for this some other time. Screws balancing. For this project I want a nice, controlled player experience, So no customization.)
Unfortunately, I haven't come up with a working idea. I'll give it some thoughts. I'll have to. Just some short dialogs and bits as an excuse to go dungeon-diving. A light, straightforward story where the protagonist has to clear a dungeon (a forest) to get a license to use weapons.
Scope (for my own sake and more like a mental note):
Make only two branches in events (like just yes or no)EDIT: Minor changes depending on the player's choicesEDIT:EDIT: Make it linear.Normal mode, normal end (difficulty-wise, with lethal weapons)Hard mode, good end (non-lethal weapons, and some choices)- 1 town and 1 dungeon. Don't want to bother with various themed maps. EDIT: Not really a town. Just a safe place for the story to begin.
- No complicated, fancily-animated complex-damage-formulated ridiculously-set-up skills. Just turn it into an event on a specific occasion. EDIT: Ended up tweaking the skill's type definition in the database for future convenience.
To-do List:
Clean up the default sample project (unused actors, class, skills, items, etc.)[Done]Make a minimum (but working) common event to check turns, enemies', and allies' conditions and to call other events in battle[Done]Placeholders and databasing 1 (actors-clones, square maps, themed bosses, dummy enemy, equip types, basic skills, recovery event, level-adjust event, basic shop event) -for basic playtesting stuff[Done. Skipped shops and equips.]Placeholders and databasing 2 (basic connected maps (dungeon rooms, town parts), minions and troops, more main skills, adding main story NPC and dialogs (killer branch first))[Done]Databasing 1 (make equipments (lethal), items, differentiate actors, and add those in-battle events but leave the branch alone)[Actors and skillset done. Skip damage types, equips, and items. And the branch.]Databasing 2 (make equipments (non-lethal), fill the branches in events and NPCs)[Done. Only NPC events matters. And doesn't branch.]Mapping 1 (work on the maps and its flow, set up random encounters)[Done]Balancing (tune enemies' and/or actors' stats (and AI for enemies) as necessary, adjust player's money and item pricing)[Done. So simple no balancing needed.}Mapping 2 (furnish the maps~ might take quite some time) [Might not be needed][Left as-is. I'm out of steam...]Aesthetics (add skill animations, sound effects, BGMs, character portraits, enemy graphics, review the story)[Done. Some defaults are already satisfactory.]- Playtesting (play the whole game, fixing bugs (if any), adjust the game to make it flow nicely) (try not to radically change stuff, refer to past to-do list)[This. This! See if I'll make any change.]
Thanks for stopping by!
Edit 1: 2019/07/07 Added the engine I'm using. Checked to-do list #1~2
Edit 2: 2019/07/14 Scratched a bunch of items in the to-do list. I'm keeping that double-n in "annother". Also, eventing should have its own place in to-do list. Never reached that point before...
Edit 3: 2019/07/17 Scratched some more. Updated the first part with what the project is right now. This post is getting harder to read...