Thanks, glad you're enjoying it!
The internet is a clusterfuck these days in so many ways. You can't really win no matter where you go, or what service you use. But I believed, and continue to believe, that Twitter is like that old WarGames quote: the only winning move is not to play. All software is either a tool, or a trap, it either empowers you or gradually enslaves you. Either you use it, or it uses you. This is obviously on a gradient in the real world, but from everything I can see, Twitter is a trap. It's a mind-fuck machine, and not the fun kind I make games about.
I don't drink, and I've never done drugs. Not as some moral flex but just because I have enough problems in my life and don't want to add additional ones. Twitter (and Discord, and Facebook, and so on) tick the same box for me. I've seen them blow up in people's faces again and again, sometimes in small ways, sometimes in big ones, and I'm not interested in rolling that dice.
It is absolutely a missed opportunity marketing-wise, but some things just aren't worth it.
There's also a deeper issue, which is that I'm just not interested in the "social" part of social media. I've made a game. I've put it out. I hope people find it and enjoy it. I'm glad to discuss the game, good and bad. But I don't really want to hang with people and shoot the shit or whatever. I don't want to be "part of a community." I am my community. My fans (and my detractors) are my community. And that's about as far as it goes. Any leftover energy has to go into making the game, or doing things not related to horny hypno entertainment on the internet.
Sorry if that comes off a bit harsh, nothing against you, it was an innocent question. May be a bit biting at the moment as I feel like shit from this ongoing illness.