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Code: Evolved small changes

Since I released first LABORATORY screenshots for Code: Evolved game, I received many negative reactions via mail. Many fans of White Wolf game complained that they played the game because they wanted to explore a dark, phantasy places. Not realistic sci-fi laboratories. And I agreed with that. So... it's time for me to change some things in Code: Evolved. The story will be mostly unchanged but all 10 stages will be set in dark fantasy environments. The player will be able to see the realistic environment and laboratory only in cut scenes and intro sequences. I am working hard to release 3 stage demo by the end of the year :) In the meantime check out Ever Growing + Level editor on official page and see you soon with more Code: Evolved news! :)

Od kada sam otpremio prve slike laboratorije za Code: Evolved igricu dobio sam gomilu negativnih mejlova. Fanovi White Wolf igrice smatraju da je najbolje da beli vuk istrazuje misticne, mracne, mastovite predele a ne realisticne laboratorije. I ja se potpuno slazem sa time. Tako da ... vreme je da se uvedu promene u Code: Evolved igrici. Prica ce uglavnom ostati nepromenjena ali svih 10 nivoa ce se nalaziti na misticnim, fantazijskim lokacijama. Jedini trenuci kada ce igrac moci da vidi realne predele i laboratoriju jeste u introima. Radim punom parom na Code: Evolved demou koji bi trebao biti otpremljen do kraja godine. U medjuvremenu probajte Ever Growing + Level editor na zvanicnoj stranici i vidimo se uskoro sa novim Code: Evolved vestima! :)