Good idea, unfortunately, there isn't that much content in the game to mess around with. There are two main gripes I have with this. One is the control scheme, the controls were extremely awkward, especially for me who could only play with a keyboard. I'd recommend that you change the unit control to be based on something else so you do not need a unique keybind for each creep type.
Additionally, the camera movement was very strict and made me feel quite cramped when moving through the maze. Maybe this is intended, but it made it hard to look around and see what my creeps were doing and where they were at.
The other thing that I would note is that this game is surprisingly a lot more challenging than I expected it to be! If it were expanded into something more I would definitely try to ease the player into the game more. Having a wall of text and then immediately getting thrown in was a bit overwhelming. I'd also add just a bit of player feedback when your units die, you're taking damage, your current score, etc. The lack of those things made it hard to keep track of the state of the game. Beyond that, I think you'd just need a bit of polish to emphasize the gameplay!
That aside, the idea of having to be on the enemy side in a tower defense game is a really cool idea! I would definitely like to see this fleshed out more and it could evolve into a very interesting game. Good job on submitting to the game jam! Good luck with the jam, and I hope to see more from you in the future!
I'm a noob, btw, xD: