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(2 edits) (+1)

Day 6: July 10th, 2019

I wasted a lot of time today trying to figure out why my editor code wasn't working. It's supposed to let me click a button to quickly add a waypoint to platforms, but the inputted information is erased when I click play. Research into the matter says it's something to do with serialized properties, which I've never really used, and don't have time to troubleshoot. I opted to just manually input the coordinates in for now. 

I created a short, bare-bones level that is beatable. Your goal in the game is to collect these power flowers:

Once you collect it, you beat the level, and you get to move on!

I also worked on the tiles for the u̴̫͖̬̫̘̟̬͗̍̆͗̋́͒̃̐͘ń̷̨̛̥͎̳͓͇̯̻̠͊̐͑c̶̨̢̖̻̘̳̹̳̅͒̾̈́̿͆̽͘ą̵̖͈̫͙͈͓͆̋̊͆n̵̤͓̹͉̳͇̻͆̃͒͑n̵͙̜̦̜͑̍̏̅́̓̅̅̀̕̚͜y̸̘͈̼̜̲͌̚͝͝ ̴͓͐̄a̵̲̥̹̻̕c̷̮̮̖͈͙͓̠͉̜̋́͊͂̏̂͂̚̚͝t̶͔͈̠̼̩̓̆̄̃̍̕ͅ.

[Possible Spoiler] The u̴̫͖̬̫̘̟̬͗̍̆͗̋́͒̃̐͘ń̷̨̛̥͎̳͓͇̯̻̠͊̐͑c̶̨̢̖̻̘̳̹̳̅͒̾̈́̿͆̽͘ą̵̖͈̫͙͈͓͆̋̊͆n̵̤͓̹͉̳͇̻͆̃͒͑n̵͙̜̦̜͑̍̏̅́̓̅̅̀̕̚͜y̸̘͈̼̜̲͌̚͝͝ ̴͓͐̄a̵̲̥̹̻̕c̷̮̮̖͈͙͓̠͉̜̋́͊͂̏̂͂̚̚͝t̶͔͈̠̼̩̓̆̄̃̍̕ͅ tiles

[Possible Spoiler] The o̸͕̓͜ṯ̷̜̚h̷͕͉̚ẹ̴̣̑̉r̷̭͙̔̿ HP bar

I wish I had accomplished a bit more, but with waking up later than usual and spending so long on that editor problem, it just didn't work out. But I did accomplish some important goals in any case, so I guess I'm not that upset about it.

See you all tomorrow night, as usual.