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Day  8: July 12th 2019

As previously stated, I will be withholding spoilers. What I will say is I've gotten the transition cutscene from Act 1 (sane) to Act 2 (uncanny) completed, with sound. It may need a bit of fine-tuning and maybe some extra effects, but it'll do for the jam. With that said, I learned how to use Unity's built in timeline feature. It's easier to use than I originally thought, you've just got to put in the effort to learn it, is all.

Now that I've got some bare-bones demo levels for Act 1, I will be moving on to create the demo levels for Act 2, and drawing up an NPC or two to fill it with. Unfortunately due to the short timeframe remaining, I don't want to spend forever designing long, challenging levels at this stage of the game. That comes after the jam, once I start the serious polishing and development for mainstream consumption.

Thanks once again for your time, and I hope to see you tomorrow night as well.