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(1 edit) (+1)


Review Summary


[ + + + + - ]  ::  ENJOYMENT

[ + + + + - ]  ::  CREATIVITY

[ + + + - - ]  ::  PRESENTATION

It's WarioWare but with a twist. While the game loop is understandably limited, the AI implementation is very impressive! In 48 hours they made not 1 game, but several! That is no small feat!


Rubric / How I Measure The Score


[ + - - - - ]      1 - Missing

[ + + - - - ]     2 - Somewhat Present

[ + + + - - ]    3 - Present

[ + + + + - ]   4 - Well Done

[ + + + + + ]  5 - Outstanding


Detailed Review


[ + + + + - ] :: ENJOYMENT

It was a fun collection of mini games. I think the reason WarioWare was so successful is because it was a party game. You did a good job of recreating the experience, especially given that the AI had to play against you. Nice job setting that up; I don't imagine it was easy.

EDIT - Giving 4 stars because holy heck that AI design was impressive!

[ + + + + -] :: CREATIVITY

The overall idea has definitely been done before, but each individual game was fun and interesting. It's probably a good thing that I've never played WarioWare or I might have docked another star XD

What I'm saying is that it seemed creative to me.

EDIT - Added another star for great creative implementation

[ + + + - - ]  ::  PRESENTATION

Given the style you went with I think you presented the elements well. I liked the music, and the audio prompts. The menu felt like it needed a theme though.

EDIT - I would give this 3.5 stars if there were partial stars


Thanks for the mega review! I was looking forward to this, your reviews actually led me to playing your game originally. I'm glad you felt I was able to recreate the Wario Ware style, I'm glad you had fun with it and I'm happy you enjoyed the music, its actually the only piece of music I've ever made, I used LMMS to make it. Just to clarify on the game concept as you mentioned it's WarioWare with AI, the main twist of the game and interpretation of the theme was to allow you to setup the microgames, normally in WarioWare the microgame is hidden behind a stylized loading screen where various things are randomised and then you just play the microgame. In this game the main concept is to allow you to do that setup and try to make the "player" fail. The AI itself while a big part is mostly to allow jammers to play the game during submission, PVP would have been a goal if I had time.


I totally understand about the PvP aspect :)

Did I give you a 3 star for creativity? How rude XD

I'm updating it to 4. I wanted to praise your efforts on the AI and the setup somehow. I did this review at 4am and I was tired lol.


I've updated my review. Thanks for giving me a behind-the-scenes look at your work! That always impresses me about gamedev. I hope my edits didn't hurt the integrity of the review for you XD


haha you're all good! you can vote it whatever you like :) just wanted to clarify since you said you hadn't played WarioWare before, thankyou for upping to a four anyway though!