I like the idea behind this game, and I definitely see the potential. Changing from controlling a single fighter against a swarm, to controlling a swarm against a single enemy, definitely has some interesting implications. I do have some ideas for possible improvements:
- The many to one dynamic feels like it should be more of a boss fight. Currently I'm just shooting single attacks at the time, which kind of downplays the swarm.
- The movement makes me feel disconnected from the action. I would suggest allowing more freedom of movement. When playing I find myself just waiting for bars all the time.
- If you're feeling extra creative, you could fully revamp the movement logic. For example, you could move around smaller groups of aliens for strategic positioning. Although this is clearly outside of the scope of a 48H jam. Also, it will make it more distinct from the source inspiration, which you may or may not want to do due to personal preference.
- I like the idea if the aliens would just keep coming, maybe depending on how much damage you can do. This would invoke the feeling that you're overwhelming earth, which I feel fits with the theme of both the jam and Space Invaders.
Overall I think you made a good attempt!