Wow you've created Mario Maker in 2 days. This submission is gold! From the art to the simple yet so effective gameplay...
Your level definitely helped me figure out what the different elements were (soft blocks can be broken with a dash, you have to collect the eggs, etc.), it's a great tutorial.
And the ability to share your level with a simple copy/paste... genious idea! I didn't see anyone post their level yet so I'm not sure if I understood the rules properly or just... I am the first to do so... but here's mine:
11111111111111111111111111111111111 1P0000000000XXXX111111111111XE20001 1100000000000000XXXX111111111110011 111X0000000000000000XXXX111111X00X1 1000X00XXXXX000000000000XXXX11X00X1 1E00X00X1111XXX0000000000000X1X00X1 1100X00X1111111XXXX0000000000XX00X1 1000X00X11111111111XXX00000000000X1 1000X00X11111111111111XXX00000000X1 100XX00XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX1111 10000000000000000000000000000000001 10000000000000000000000000000000E01 1000000XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX1111 1000000000000000000000000000000000< 1000000000000000000E000000000000001 1000000XXXXXXXXXXX111XXXXXXXXXXX001 1000000XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX001 1>0000000000000000000000000000000W1 11111111111111111111111111111111111I tried to make a hard level, so sorry if you can't make it, but it's not impossible don't worry.
PS: I did the thing.