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A member registered Apr 24, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thank you Mr. Rola!🙏

Nice game. The "dystopian" setting is quite interesting. However I find the game a bit confusing, it lacks feedback for when and why I win or lose a minigame.

The art-style is stunning although it hurts the eyes a little. Sometimes the colored obstacles didn't work as intended (I was able to go through transparent obstacles sometimes but other times I was able to go through full-colored obstacles). Great job!

Hi thank you so much for reading through!

The player has 2 Light2D nodes: one for ambiant (the big circle) and the flashlight. Both have a texture I made and I believe Light2D nodes automatically affect everything in the scene (there is an occlusion mask, pretty much like there is a physics collision mask, but I only used the first bit for everything, so everything in the scene is affected).

For shadows, Tilemap (the walls) have an automatic system to attribute an occlusion. I also added the possibility for objects to have a shadow (in which case the occluder goes on top of the object). I only used it on doors for the moment though. Maybe I could have an occluder on the floor for objects like tables or chairs which shouldn't  fully block the player's view (unlike doors). However I think this shadow should be a little bit transparent (like the shadows I already drew for some objects (see the chair sprite)). I don't know if this is possible though, I'll have to check it out. Also a lot of people think that the bookshelves should cast a shadow, and I totally  agree with that. But the system I currently have put the occluder directly on top of the object, so you wouldn't see the books if I did that.

So yeah I'll definitely work on this system in the future. Hope that helps!

I love it. The ambiance and sound desing is really cool. The concept is neat and you use it really really well. Amazing job!

Amazing art style! The story is touching too. Really well done!

Best game ever wow. The puzzles are incredible, the story is amazing, the art is pretty cool. And the music, mama mia. I'm amazed you did all that in just two weeks. Really well done!

Hi! I come from your post on discord. Your pixel art is really clean, I wish I had this level when I made my first game jam. The main mechanic is pretty cool too and the character feels responsive.

Just two things though:
-I think it would be better if grabbing was a toggle, instead of maintaining the X key. (for some reason my keyboard didn't like when I had X+Z+right arrow pressed and Z didn't register so I had to jump first, and then press right, so a toggle for X would be nice here)

Otherwise really good game with very good pixel art (+ You gain a bonus Godot point <3)

Hi! Thanks for trying my game! Yeah a lot of people seem to be stuck when they find the code. I just added a help section in the game page so that people hopefully don't get stuck again lol. The code is used to open the chest in the courtyard.

Hi thank you sooo much!!

Yeah I realized shortly after the jam finished that I didn't say the chest had a digicode but I'm really happy you found out the solution! And yeah the ending is a little abrupt (it's kind of a reference to School Days 1 also) but I intend on doing a full-release with so much more. Stay tuned ;)

I don't know why but the physics were really buggy for me, it seems like other people didn't have this problem... :/ (I don't think it's a Godot issue because I use Godot myself so... I don't know)
Otherwise the artstyle is incredible and the game itself is pretty good!

Please make a full-release of this game it's just amazing. The art style is incredible, the music, the dialogs, the puzzle, everything is great, I want more!!

Amazing art and storytelling! Keep it going please!

The death mechanic was very frustrating in my opinion because I didn't know why I would die (I think there is a timer or something, but it's too short in my opinion). I got stuck multiple times after you press spacebar. But I got there eventually. Otherwise it's pretty neat!

+ Godot Extra point

This is a perfect game (no pun intended). Just, wow. The puzzles are amazing. The ambiance is amazing. In the beginning, I thought the camera was a little bit overwhelming (maybe not the right word, but I couldn't see the perspective super well), but it turned out to be perfect! The way the camera can hide things (in the level with buttons everywhere creating bridges), and the level where you can move the box in the background. It's so cool. You really took everything to its best. Amazing game!

+ Godot is amazing <3

How did you make this masterpiece in such a short amount of time?

Seriously the game just keeps going and the abilities you gain are insane. The dive mechanic would make a great platformer, I love it. The ambiance is on top and the art is great. I really wanted to finish it but unfortunately I didn't manage to. I got 3 fuel charges, the dash, double jump, dive, and surf abilities. The level design is great but I think you could use some more indications in a full release (or maybe a map you could open). Great game!

+ Extra Godot Bonus point <3

Hi there! I just saw your post on the discord server (yes it works). Really cool game you got there, the visuals are very simple but cute, I love the "dancing animation" of the ant (literally a flipped sprite but it works so well). It was pretty confusing that you're allowed to move outside of the beats, but eventually I got to 80 points.

+ I'm seeing more and more Godot games and that makes me happy :)

I lowered the volume so the jumpscare wouldn't afraid me lol. But I have no idea how to finish the game, I feel like my sanity is lowering whatever I do ;( But great job for a first game jam! (+Godot the best)

The amount of poop in my pants right now is not zero...
Honestly, this is just incredible for a first game jam, just well done, I don't know what else to say! (+Bonus point for using Godot)


There is no enemy or anything harmful to the player. It would have taken too much time (because it implies the creation of a save system and other things like that). But there will be in the final version :)

Hi thank you so much for playing! I spent a lot of time on the art-style and I'm really proud of it so it means a lot!
Sorry for the bug though, was it in the very last room (with Mr. Hibou)?

Hi! Thank you for playing!

The code you get is supposed to open the chest in the courtyard, but I've just realized I didn't say there was a digicode on the chest. Gotta add that to the final version. (I hope you saw the chest, in case not, the shovel is hidden in the Office)

(1 edit)

As an average Rubik's cube enjoyer, I like this game. Seriously though, the game is really well polished and it's pretty cool to have an endless mode and a sandbox mode! The only downside for me is that the controls feel a bit unresponsive at times, i'ts hard to pick which side you want to rotate and the camera is a little weird sometimes, but for a game jam, it's great!

Beautiful game! The art and music are stunning and really set the mood. I wish there were more characters or stories to discover though, and I think you could do cool puzzles with the lights (like in the alley where the light is constantly switching on and off)

Fun idea but I need more!! The music is great though. But it would be cool to have a whole game where you could only move your character like that, or maybe add things in the sky to shoot again, or bounce on the ground, and get the highest score possible.

Cool and cute puzzle game! Great job on finishing it in 48h! The levels are not too difficult but not too easy, just enough.

Really nice game! The art and sounds are great, and the minigames are fun (I really liked the last one hehe). Though I feel like some games are too long (and painful, especially the one where you have to press space). And it would be cool to have more games where you really feel like a bad guy, like the first two.

I think this is the most polished game I've played in the jam so far! The art and sounds are great and it's really satisfying to see everything activate once you compile.
However, I'm a bit confused... I feel like the mechanics and gameplay are cool, but the game is too easy? I managed to beat it without discarding items (maybe I was lucky?). I feel like the game has a huge potential but I think it doesn't use the mechanics as well as it could.

The music and artsyle are gorgeous! Are you supposed to feel safe and chase the creature? Because I sure was not!

Pretty cool twist on frogger! The art is cool and the controls are fun. My first instinct was to kill every insect so when I lost and saved 0 insects I saw my mistake... I did manage to save 17 of them later, and it's cool to have different types of insect with different movement speed.

Really nice game! The mechanic is really well used and the art is pretty great! The only downside I see is that sometimes I didn't understand what the items were or what they were supposed to do, so I just clicked everywhere to see if they could activate something. Also, [spoilers] when I shot the monkey the mirror was not facing the right direction but the monkey still got shot.

I think everyone said it already but the game really needs more levels. Otherwise, the game feels very cool to play and is very juicy! Great work on that. I think it would be a really great game with more levels. Also, I had to go outside the game screen on the second level to beat it.

Really cool game for a first game jam! The art and gameplay are really cool. I think if you polish it (add sound, better UI), the game could be really great! And that combat animation is gold.

The music is easily S-tier. Smashing chicken is quite satisfying but the controls feel a bit unresponsive as pointed by other comments. And the hitbox is too big (I lost to a pothole even though I didn't visually touch it). I managed to smash 194 chickens! Nice game!

First of all, the color palette and pixel art is impressive! The music is also really great, remind me of Hotline Miami. The concept is very cool, but I find the game a bit hard and fast (which don't go too well with the music I think).

Really fun entry! I loved the art style, I can see you had a lot of fun drawing all these characters! The game can be a little unfair sometimes, as the restock is random, but otherwise the management is really well done. I don't think there is and ending but it would be really cool to see one.

What a great surprise this was. I didn't know what to expect and I got a very challenging puzzle! I managed to beat the game, but I had to write down every command I got in order to find the rules, so I think the memory mechanic isn't really useful here. But still, great interpretation of the theme and great sound effects :p !

Wow you've created Mario Maker in 2 days. This submission is gold! From the art to the simple yet so effective gameplay...

Your level definitely helped me figure out what the different elements were (soft blocks can be broken with a dash, you have to collect the eggs, etc.), it's a great tutorial.

And the ability to share your level with a simple copy/paste... genious idea! I didn't see anyone post their level yet so I'm not sure if I understood the rules properly or just... I am the first to do so... but here's mine:

I tried to make a hard level, so sorry if you can't make it, but it's not impossible don't worry.

PS: I did the thing.

Wow... Thank you so much! This means a lot...

This wasn't actually my goal to make a frustating game but I guess the physic is so janky that it makes the game difficult xD

As for the continuation, before the Jam I was working on another version of Running Elephant, with a different gameplay (but still different from the original). However that gameplay didn't fit the theme so I decided to make this version instead, and I added a little story to add personality to the game and not have just an infinite runner.

As for the jam version, I'm not sure if i'll continue it, maybe fix some bugs if I'm not lazy, but I'll definitely continue the other version I was working on. Maybe I'll make a compilation with different gameplay variations of Running Elephant? We'll see... (for that I'd have to find other cool variations too...)

And I'll test your idea of moving the camera, because it's very difficult to move the Elephant when it is stuck to the side of the screen (and it could be fun to see how far you've moved the level from it's original position). But anyway I still think I'd have to revamp the physics first to improve the game.

Really great story and execution. The concept works great and the music is gorgeous!