Love the project, Myeowbro. I'm happy my chill spot hasn't been patched out. And now I can sit on the edge and admire the mayhem.

I don't think making the enemies damage sponges was that good of an idea. I liked mowing them down in the previous demo. Felt... tactical, I guess? This is especially an issue with the shotty, which is a peashooter now. Maybe at least make headshots do more dmg, like in the previous build?
You should consider making the projectiles actually shoot from the gun muzzle instead of the camera. having the AI smuggo appear behind your character and still shooting her instead of your intended target is surprising.
Hope you'll find time to re-align the weapons with the character models. That pistol is teeny in the waifu's hands. The slide also keeps moving on the pistol. The rig you're using bugs out sometimes and stops aiming up/down which makes it look strange, see:
I do like the new model overall, though the previous one was better imo. Gave off a cool smug operator grill vibe. Those boots were sexier too.
The melee animation is very silly and the takedowns leave you way too vulnerable. You can bug out the movement if you keep mashing q and t at the same time, trying to go from slide/crash to takedown.
I love the slide but keeping both the roll and slide would be much better (hold down crouch to perform the other for example). You might want to consider basing the slide speed/distance on the movement of the character when hitting the button. Now I can keep mashing Q and having the waifu boost around the level with it like Raiden. It also is a one-hit-kill 50% of the time.
Crouch movement is annoyingly slow now compared to the old version. I'm used to having crouch under C so the previous default scheme was perfect for me.
Auto ammo and smugola cola pickups are a godsend.
Oh, and hold-to-sprint plz