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For those of you wondering, "Is this game worth it?" Yes, yes it is. It is very clear that the developer has spent an insane amount of time and work into making this everything it can be. I've played a LOT of these games and eventually you start to see that most have the same assets that are tweaked to suit their needs. I can usually find that they share similarities. That is not the case here.

You literally cannot find anything out there in ANY other game that looks like what you will find in this dev's games. Go ahead. Try. The only way to explain this is that the dev has painstakingly created every asset both in the models and the background from scratch! Not only that, but he takes the time to code in the systems necessary to make this feel like a game. Not just another open world visual novel. This feels like a very cinematic and story driven game, but a game nonetheless. You have goals, quests, resources, it is possible to die in it! I have seen games that were far more rushed and far less in terms of story, content, and work for far more than what is being charged here. I applaud you 395games. You blew me away with making a Renpy game that was a full on survival game with combat mechanics. You've done it again here and I know for a fact that it will only get better from here. Thank you.


Hey, I think I never officially replied to your comment. I wanted to say thanks for acknowledging my efforts and enjoying my games. I'll make sure to keep going just like that and make Covenant of Morn another great experience that you'll never forget. I get a lot of criticism for this game, on some platforms outright hate, I mean just look at the downvotes on your comment. So it feels special when someone sees what I put in and trusts in my skills. It helps me ground myself, so thank you very much.


Clearly the average poster on itchio is not indicative of the AVN community at large. They're just the most vocal. Everyone I have talked to among the various communities I am in holds up Mist as one of the best games they've played in a long time. Several developers I am friends with credit you as being the inspiration by which they decided to try not just having the medium be a simple choose your own adventure where the only choices are which girl you want to be with.

The fact of the matter is, you are treading your own path. There is nothing out there like the work you produce and basic bitches are gonna basically bitch. So anything that deviates from the same old tired formula is going to be hit with hate and complaints. That doesn't mean it shouldn't be done, though. Innovation is the means by which we progress and make something fantastic that the world has never seen before. Take that to heart, and never let the bitching and moaning and whining of some vocal minority get to you and stop you on this mission you've set for yourself. If there is ever anything I can do to help, let me know.