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A member registered Mar 23, 2021

Recent community posts

Life imitating art much with moving to a new location?

Panda, I have to applaud you. A lot of games will have their writing focus on only one thing, be it slice of life moments or character development or action or sex scenes or mystery. You have created a beautiful marriage of it all that flows seamlessly and naturally. You’ve created gorgeous looking, endearing, and believable characters that you can’t help but fall for. This project is shaping up to be a project to look out for and I cannot recommend it enough!

The game doesn't seem to register unlocking the WG scene with Eli. Those are the missing pictures. You're not missing anything.

Get rejected by before you do Chris' cup. You'll see different scenes.

Clearly the average poster on itchio is not indicative of the AVN community at large. They're just the most vocal. Everyone I have talked to among the various communities I am in holds up Mist as one of the best games they've played in a long time. Several developers I am friends with credit you as being the inspiration by which they decided to try not just having the medium be a simple choose your own adventure where the only choices are which girl you want to be with.

The fact of the matter is, you are treading your own path. There is nothing out there like the work you produce and basic bitches are gonna basically bitch. So anything that deviates from the same old tired formula is going to be hit with hate and complaints. That doesn't mean it shouldn't be done, though. Innovation is the means by which we progress and make something fantastic that the world has never seen before. Take that to heart, and never let the bitching and moaning and whining of some vocal minority get to you and stop you on this mission you've set for yourself. If there is ever anything I can do to help, let me know.

There doesn’t seem to be a way to activate anyone else’s story lines besides the Marions’ and Priscilla’s as there is no fast travel button for Featama or Tima or whoever else.

I've hit a brick wall on the new content. It says I have to continue Priscilla's content to move forward with the Marion's, but I can't figure out how to continue Priscilla. Visiting Josie does nothing

Figured it out. I just needed to restart my game.

(1 edit)

I legit hadn't seen her for several updates, not even showing up at the restaurant. I assumed it was because you had taken her out until you had more content for her, but now I'm not so sure, would it have something to do whether we told her to stay as Lyn or become Leanne?

Yes, and then she asked me at the restaurant if she should quit streaming or go more full time streaming and then she disappeared off the face of the earth for enough weeks to equal six months.

I can't seem to vind Lyn/Leanne and am not sure how to see her again since the big decision.

You do things as you need to! We will be here enjoying whatever we can get! Your work is worth the wait! I do hope you had an amazing vacation

It’s very clear that the developer has put a lot of time and effort into the rendering of his characters. You look at other games made with Honey Select 2 and all of the girls look like exactly the same super shiny sex doll and the guys either look like they’re either twelve or eighty. I am seeing modeling techniques being used here to really make the program work and they look absolutely gorgeous! It feels like a lot of time was taken to break the look of this game away from others and it shows! Combine this with a rapid fire witty dialogue and the underlyings of a truly fascinating story and you have the makings of a new masterpiece. There currently isn’t much content, but what there is shines bright and clear!

For those of you wondering, "Is this game worth it?" Yes, yes it is. It is very clear that the developer has spent an insane amount of time and work into making this everything it can be. I've played a LOT of these games and eventually you start to see that most have the same assets that are tweaked to suit their needs. I can usually find that they share similarities. That is not the case here.

You literally cannot find anything out there in ANY other game that looks like what you will find in this dev's games. Go ahead. Try. The only way to explain this is that the dev has painstakingly created every asset both in the models and the background from scratch! Not only that, but he takes the time to code in the systems necessary to make this feel like a game. Not just another open world visual novel. This feels like a very cinematic and story driven game, but a game nonetheless. You have goals, quests, resources, it is possible to die in it! I have seen games that were far more rushed and far less in terms of story, content, and work for far more than what is being charged here. I applaud you 395games. You blew me away with making a Renpy game that was a full on survival game with combat mechanics. You've done it again here and I know for a fact that it will only get better from here. Thank you.

Is it weird that for the longest time, I thought it was called Children of Norn, as in the children of the Norse representations of fate.

This game is something truly special. It is trying to be something different, something better. Moolah is absolutely insane for trying to do this on his own. To build an open world game, with puzzles that genuinely require some thought and sex scenes that make you really consider what to do instead of just mindlessly clicking is something you don’t see every day, not to mention the willingness to explore the darkness that hides deep inside of us. It’s not your standard romantic comedy VN, and I applaud it for taking risks like this to serve an underserved market. If you are looking for something unlike anything you’ve seen before in this genre, this is a must play.

The house drama I have no problems with. It’s all of the extra background stuff that frustrates me as it feels like this is supposed to take place after the other game, but the other game isn’t finished yet. It’s like if you tried watching Avengers: Endgame after only being able to watch half of Avengers: Infinity War. Every time the stuff with the landlady comes up I’m like, “Okay…these are…characters…” And start feeling an intense desire to skip through the dialogue.

Which color is which?

Speaking of variables, what is the slider bar in the notes for?