1 Hello, My name is Ben and I’m musician and composer in the UK
2 No I have never participated in a Game jam, and I joined because I love games, and composing for them seems a fun new way to be creative musically
3 The list of games I love is pretty endless, but the main ones that came up when I read the question were Diablo 2, FF10, GOW, CSGO, Pokemon
4 I have little to no experience with any engines, although I have been working with WWise and FMOD to get to grips with how they work, but would love an opportunity to implement some of what I’m learning.
5 I’m pretty passionate about Music, Climbing and Videos games. So if anyone wants to do an immersive cinematic climbing game, that pretty much ticks all my boxes
6 To get involved and start my first game jam, and meet people who share common interests, and ofc make a game!