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Day 11: July 15, 2019

Today I created the tiles for the third act. I also have the act 2 npc complete. Keep in mind, I am only doing one npc per act for the game jam, due to time constraints. I'm getting closer and closer to my end-goal. I estimate that about a month or two after the jam is complete, I will have a marketable game. I make no promises, but I do like the concept I have going here. However, for the context of the jam, I may not even have a boss fight included in or anything. It's not something i want to rush, and I'm tempted to release the game jam demo as-is after a bit of polishing. I'm going to think it over and come up with an answer tomorrow. I'll probably throw in some last minute sounds and open source music.  The last act will probably just be a preview of things to come, since it will be a major part of the game that i'd rather not spoil too much for a full release. 

Thanks for the interest you've all shown so far, even if you haven't explicitly said anything. I'll be back tomorrow night.