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Thanks dude :)

Yeah i’m definitively not the best when it comes to balancing stuff ^^’ i probably shouldn’t have made the sniper available directly in one of the character loadouts cause it is quite OP indeed to get this as a default.

I tried to have the UI be as clear as possible, so my bad if i did poorly in that regard :( Yet the arrows not showing up at all (if that’s what you meant by UX oddities) is probably a bug, for some reason whenever the build gets exported i’ve had some sprites not displaying properly at random so this could be that, but i have no idea how to solve this since it works fine when in the editor :/ cause you can select any level at the level select without completing them.

Glad you found it solid regardless of that Ui/Ux issue, i’m still stumbling a bit since i’m slowly trying things out with fully 3D stuff :p


Nobody is "the best" at anything, so don't feel bad, you made excellent progress from Spinner Defender.

The UI is good enough, I like how the sniper zoom position works nicely in both 3rd and 1st person. Now, I was referring to the arrows not disappearing, or in a better way conveying they can't be interacted with, that at first confused me.

Keep up the good work =)


True that nobody can be the best at everything.

Thanks for your kind words ^^ i surely did learn a lot along the way since then even if 3D so far has quite a learning curve on some aspects XD

I was happy to manage to pull this scope effect off within jam conditions, so fingers crossed fellow jammers will also like it as well once voting starts. Oh i see, yeah i think i didn’t set up the value change on the arrows correctly for menus outside of the character select so they just seem static my bad ^^’