Somehow I seem to only be able to get bad endings so far... Clearly I'm doing something wrong but I'm not sure what it is or at what stage of the game. How early can bad endings be triggered?
I haven't really gotten any information. I'm actually not entirely sure what the goal is. The password and dating aspects seem to be completely separate and parallel to me, but maybe I just haven't gotten far enough for the link to be apparent.
It's also supposed to be a murder mystery, and both deaths I've seen so far appear to be suicides, so... I'm definitely missing something.
I'm getting them now. Haven't done all the routes yet, though.
Though... I'm even more confused with Orlando's route, since I apparently "saved" him... without entering any passwords at all. Like he doesn't even have a bad ending. Maybe a coding error?
I do have a savepoint right before the character choice that I've been using for multiple routes, but I don't *think* there's any password entered there, and if there is it's definitely not specific to Orlando. And it would have to be pretty early.