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Ok that was actually really cool! I finished it in 125 turns. Very unique and a very real twist on the jam theme. I also I see you did EVERYTHING your self including the sounds, super impressive. This honestly with a little more polish and content could turn into probably a good roguelite or something.

One big issue I had though was just learning the game. I read your description before hand, but when actually playing the first battle I was so confused. I think at one point I killed the princess as the goblin and I think it gave me a game over (I might be mistaken on that though) but from that I was so confused, and tried for another 3 - 5 minutes trying to figure out how to win against the goblin or at least proceed. Maybe I'm just tired, but I think an in game tutorial or a really obvious enemy (like one of those orges that have a ton of hp) may have helped cement the idea of what to do. I almost quit at that point and then checked the comments here... but no one else seemed to have that issue so it could have just all been me.

But once I figured that out it was great and I ended up beating it! Again the above may have just been me being dumb, but other than that I thought the game was really great and cleverly thought out (not to easy or hard). This is a great entry into the jam! Great work on this!!

Thanks for the detailed feedback!

And yeah, the tutorial got left behind when I had to fix some game-breaking bugs just before the deadline, and I only had time to so little things (e.g. the tooltips) and hope people would pick up on what you were supposed to do. The point about having a more obviously unbeatable enemy is a great idea; that way it's extremely obvious there's no way you can just muscle through.

If the game did make you lose when you killed the princess as the goblin, that would have been a real bad bug, since that will definitely mess with your understanding of the game. I'm glad you stuck it out so you could experience the intended gameplay. Thanks for playing!