Quite a fun twist on snake. That retro look is exactly what I look for in any snake game, and fleeing my slithering predators put me in mind of this: https://youtu.be/B3OjfK0t1XM
Found that due to the snakes not knowing of the looping nature of their world, avoiding them was made somewhat trivial by camping the edges. Only died after deciding to quit that strategy. I suppose this has been brought up by others already, though.
An idea to make the snakes less exploitable, perhaps, could be to have a few different snake AIs that would be randomly assigned to the snakes when they show up. That way they wouldn’t clump so much. I was thinking while playing that if the snakes perhaps had some AI similar to that of the Pac-Man ghosts, it might enhance the game greatly. (Think a Clyde snake catching a player off guard on account of going off in its own random direction…)
Suggestions aside, found the game quite fun despite the exploits, and this reverse-snake concept (or should I just say ekans?) is a very cool one that I’d definitely like to see explored more. Good work!