Review Summary
[ + + + - - ] :: ENJOYMENT
[ + + + - - ] :: CREATIVITY
[ + + + + - ] :: PRESENTATION
DISCLAIMER: I have never played or watched a five nights game
The game was an interesting first-look at the five-nights universe from a fan's perspective, but it didn't appeal to me as particularly engaging or unique by itself. I actually would have preferred the random spawn aspect were left out so that I could feel like I was in control of the experience.
I think one other element that was lacking was tension. I never felt like I was truly in danger, nor could I tangibly sense the danger I was imposing on the guard. Heck, I walked right by his office, triggering a trap, and it didn't seem to matter.
That said, the map was well made, and the sfx and vfx were well utilized.
Rubric / How I Measure The Score
[ + - - - - ] 1 - Missing
[ + + - - - ] 2 - Somewhat Present
[ + + + - - ] 3 - Present
[ + + + + - ] 4 - Well Done
[ + + + + + ] 5 - Outstanding
Detailed Review
[ + + + - - ] :: ENJOYMENT
My first pass around the pizzeria I was just getting a lay of the land. I think I would have preferred if the distractions weren't randomly spawned triangles. When I see something that looks interesting, I want to interact with it, and for it to respond to me. That said, it was an enjoyable game, even for someone like me who has never played a Five Nights game.
[ + + + - -] :: CREATIVITY
I feel like the core of the idea was creative (reversing the role of a horror game), but I didn't feel like much was added. That said, I don't know the five-nights formula.
[ + + + + - ] :: PRESENTATION
I liked the post-processing; it gave the feel of looking through a security camera. The echos of laughter were a nice touch, and the particle effects on the electrical (traps?) were pretty solid!