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Yes, 80% of men would not want to see homosexuality. It is a fact. We can desire many women...but that does not mean they should kiss. Only 7.1%+ of humans on earth are LGBTQ+. And let me explain this real quick. LGBTQ+ are homosexuals. Homosexuality is the attraction or sexual acts to persons of the same gender. So when two women are performing sexually, then they are lesbians. they are homosexuals. it is that simple.

and the whole homosexuality thing is of western culture. I visited across africa and a few other countries during my teen years and I found that africans are very much still cultured. they marry, there is about 2% of homosexuals in The whole of africa if im not wrong. Ghana banned homosexuality, Nigeria is very strict against homosexuality, Qatar banned homosexuality, Zimbabwe is strict against homosexuality. It's a lot of a list to put here And all these leaders Are Men which is why I want us to discuss on discord. And when you tell me that Sexual pleasure towards people of the same sex is not Homosexuality then I don't know what world you live in. It's not "Political" to say that homosexuality is LGBTQ+ because LGBTQ+ is a definition/description basically of homosexuality. It's a list of names. Lesbians, Gays, Bisexual, Transexual etc...Its NOT Political to say that performing sexually towards persons of the same gender are categorised into the LGBTQ+.


See, there's the issue. You see two women kissing and tell yourself it is the same as two guys kissing. Essentially, you are taking your natural disgust towards the sexuality of other men, and applying it to the sexuality of women, in an effort to force your desires to be consistent with your morals. 

You are repressing yourself, and that is not leadership. It's the chain of morals the weak use to curtail the strong, forcing you to bend your knee. 

"Africa and a few other countries" Africa is not a country, and it is not homogenous. It is a continent with many countries, some of which are relatively civilized and some of which are extremely underdeveloped. In those, raging mobs murder helpers in the village square because they think they are vampires using magic to drain their blood. Parts of africa are the way europe was in the dark ages. That's not an example to live by.


So you first stated that I am using the same situation for men as for women but here's the thing. If women were so different, why are so many more women cheating on men? Why are there "Lesbians"? You're not exactly thinking everything through here. If it was different for women in this topic then tell me why the term "Lesbian" exists and it's definition and what causes someone to be a "Lesbian".


Now that's a non-sequitur if I've ever seen one.  

I'll answer that if you tell me why Chewbacca is a wookie.


I really have no idea who chewbacca is, brother hahaha. I asked a question and I really need an answer. Also you mentioned that Africa is underdeveloped or something like that? I suggest you do more travelling and not only focus on the few poor countries. You also mentioned something about vampires which was completely wrong and out of topic. Vampire is a western pagan thing. And western people believed that killing children is a sacrifice to god so do not hate on the Africans here, buddy. Back to the topic. 2 facts:

-More Men, faaaar more men support moral relationships. which is why there are more heterosexuals than homosexuals.

-More women, faaaar more women support moral relationships which is why there are more heterosexuals than homsexuals.

So more men will not want to see two women kissing. The few majority will be here on the site because of hormones and lonliness or even influence. We can't argue with logic. And the logic here is that More men and women agree that homosexuality is a shit-show.


GEORGETOWN, Guyana (AP) - A crowd of Guyanese villagers lynched an elderly woman they accused of being an evil spirit who drinks the blood of human babies, police said Monday.

Authorities in the South American country said the woman raised suspicions with unusual behavior and was set upon by villagers who apparently believed she was an "Old Higue"—the equivalent of a vampire in the local Obeah religion that blends folk magic and African rituals.


The police have mounted a search for one Tanko and his accomplices who allegedly masterminded the lynching of a 90-year-old woman at Kafaba near Salaga in the Savannah Region on the accusation that she was a witch.

The incident happened on Thursday, July 23, 2020 in the East Gonja Municipality.

The old woman whose body has since been deposited at the Tamale Teaching Hospital (TTH) mortuary has been identified as Akua Denteh.

(Article continues.)


Witch-hunt murders surge in Democratic Republic of Congo

Eight women have been burned to death or lynched in South Kivu province this month, say officials

(long article follows)


Observe reality.

Chewbacca rests his case. 


So what was the purpose of this one article? why did you send it to me?


Three articles, learn to count.


I'm running out of time. I have to continue making my game. Stay away from homosexuality if you ever want to live a good life. all of it may seem fun but it's going to cause a lot of problems later. Thank you for the conversation, You did make that Kelly lady upset though. She was looking out for her well-being and possibly stopping sexualizing of women. Which I agree with on a subject as unpopular as this. We are born with people telling us that it's okay when it's in fact ugly. But yes, I can't stop you from watching lesbian porn but just know that I am your brother and I will always advise you as a brother to steer away from things that make a man weak mentally and physically.