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(1 edit) (-3)

It's really a pain to setup some of the tilemaps with no guide.. I think that should be added, especially considering the premium price. The fences specifically

(1 edit)

What sort of a guide do you mean? If you let me know, I can look into it.
The fences are on a 32x32px grid, if it helps. It should be pretty clear I think when you divide it into the grid.

(2 edits)

I set them up as 64x64 now. I have no idea how the corners are supposed to work as 32x32 (the filename already indicates that grid). Maybe an attached tile bitmasking would be useful. Thx for answer.

(1 edit)

Hmm yeah, I get how it can be a bit confusing. To make this kind of fence work, I couldnt make each tile the same size, so I used a smaller grid size of 32x32px and then made the actual tiles up from multiple grid pieces, so you can see that some tiles are 64x64px while others are actually 64x96px.  It's all complicated by the diagonal tiles which give the problem, otherwise I could have made them all 64x64px. So I just hoped that by overlaying a 32px grid, it would make it clear how the tiles are supposed to be. Here's a picture of an overlay which show the tiles.