This character-design is adorable! :D I really enjoyed the art of the game.
It has a really great core mechanic too! Burning cards for a stronger effect creates a lot of interesting situations and possible strategies. Plus the difficulty is well balanced enough to provide jst enough challenge but allowing some "mistakes" here and there.
The main issue I'd have is the presentation of attacks in the UX. There were a some time were I did not understand why me or the enemy would lose a certain amount of health, or shield, etc… I actually lost because the move of an enemy announced that it would just make a shield, and instead I apparently lost 13 HP? Every effects being instantaneous, it isn't always easy to keep track of them, and some animations to display some "-2", "-3", etc, associated with the card or enemy action, would help.
But globally it's a very solid entry! A really fun card game, with interesting cards and lovely artwork. I just want to play it again to take my revenge!