Thank you so much for the long video, it is extremely helpful to see people play for an extended period of time. Fun too, I could watch this stuff for hours.
I really think I need to find a way to convey info about weapons though, just not sure how. Also a lot of the weapon choices you make I don't really agree with hehe. It was cool that you got the burning laser with ice damage and then the powers for more burning damage. I'd like to have more combinations like that possible in the future. I was wondering too if you knew that the fire damage a gun does is completely separate from the amount of damage the burning effect? The burn does the same amount of damage regardless of the fire damage of a gun. The Burning Laser will probably be removed/changed to another gun with a similar effect.
For example I noticed you got confused by the difference between a Faust and a Bazooka; the Faust has a really fast gun swap speed (not actually shown in the tooltip though...) and basically no reload but low rate of fire. The point of it is that you can swap to it fast, shoot a rocket, and swap back to another gun without having to wait for it to reload - just wait for the rate of fire. But I know its really annoying that you can't really tell why you can't fire it sometimes, need to figure something out there too I guess. While the Bazooka is just meant to be used like a regular gun.
Lots to do. Unfortunately progress will, and has been for a while, be zero while I deal with some RL crap. So I'll probably skip next DD, I'd like to shake things up a bit for the next update if possible.