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The knock-out time seems a bit inconsistent. Sometimes a cookie that's knocked out would wake up almost immediately despite me having knock-out timer at level 6. The collision box on the puppy sometimes stops me from reaching the cookie on top of it, too, and by my experience of the game I suspect even if a cookie is knocked out, it still halves the TPS if its collision box is still on the puppy (if they're actually knocked out when I think they are). It'd be helpful to show a timer above their head or something for how long they're going to stay stunned or more visual cues for if they're stunned in the first place.

Because the penalty of having cookies walking around is very high, it's hard to see progress unless the knock out timer is buffed. It'd also be helpful to have an upgrade that improves "tamale per click" so the player would have more control over the situation when the knock-out is too short. Or maybe a power-up to make the puppy less helpless and fend-off the cookies once in a while.

Some visual changes when items are leveled up would be nice to have, too.

Thank you for playing through the production phase. These are amazing good points, Look into maybe no collision if cookies knock out and I can see how a visual cue will work to let you know cookies are coming back online. I also notice cookies knock out only working on what seems like1 one cookie (but they all do the TPS half does seem punishing to the player).

Upgrade and rewards would be nice, I want to implement this last phase might only get enough time for upgrades for Per click would be nice, thank you for the idea. Im going to try to implement it with a demo UI and see if I have enough time to make something nice, I wanted funny names for upgrades but not sure of them or the theme just yet.

Visual changes would be nice and some animation. like I wanted to get Grandma to use a cane or umbrella to knock out the cookies maybe it unlocks after a couple of 3 or so Grandma upgrades or knock-out timers upgrades. I wanted to also implement a knock version of cookies visually this might help get the player a much more visual cue of cookies still asleep.