Good job on the tutorial that you added after the responses from reddit. While it's not 100% perfect, it does convey most of the mechanics.
4 suggestions from my time playing it.
- The colors either need to be more distinct or there needs to be an identifier attached to them. Like a letter or number. So you can say the "O" resource or something like that. A lot of the time I built or traded the wrong item because I couldn't tell the difference between the light orange resource and the dark orange resource and other similar mistakes.
- Progression should be based on the max population market or something instead of just days. That way you don't have people just wait for everything to spawn before building out. Every time I've started a game, I built a simple trade route for the initial basics and then waited until 1500 days or so as that's around the time when the next tier of starred resources appears. This is kind of weird and makes the initial stages feel pointless.
- Add a way to delete a building. Many times I would place down a market with a workshop I didn't want but there's no way to delete that workshop or market so it would be nice to fix my mistakes.
- As for the tutorial, not sure if it was mentioned, but there should be some focus on how workshop production works with demand. Understanding how demand impacts production was a bit of an issue.
That's about it from my time playing.