The place for your feedback, bug reports, suggestions and feature requests.
Good job on the tutorial that you added after the responses from reddit. While it's not 100% perfect, it does convey most of the mechanics.
4 suggestions from my time playing it.
That's about it from my time playing.
Thanks a lot for your feedback!
Back to work now but i think you have to wait until the beginning of the next year :)
Thanks again.
The issue with having progression based on days is that you have my issue where I would rather wait for all the resources to be discovered before even setting up any trade routes. This means that there is at least a minute of downtime before a player really wants to start the game.
As for resource discovery being dependent on population, the logic is that as your main market grows, the civilization grows along with it. More population = more advanced eras. You don't just wait for time to pass before you get to the iron age. You have the population grow and advance. It's not just time that causes advancement. It's people and time.
As for the other possibilities, they don't fix the core issue of not feeling like playing the game until all resources are shown. Because what's the point? A bad solution would have money decrease over time so that the player can't sit on their ass for the first 1500 turns, but that's just annoying imo.
You already have a good system for determining whether a player understands how the resources work through the population demand window. So once they get the resources demanded, then the next resource appears. This would be good design and would ease the players into learning about each resource.
That's another issue with having advancement based on time. The player doesn't get enough time to fiddle around with each resource before another one is suddenly thrust onto the field.
Ok you convinced me :)
I have to work on it now. One decision point is about general principle : consider the market with the most population (main market) then update population demand for all markets, or consider the population in the region (i.e. sum of all markets population), or each market has its own demand according to the population (small markets have less needs than big markets).
I was thinking about an other way to interest player to start playing early rather than wait until all resources are shown: buildings and traders leveling. The more an element do its job the more experience he gains. With experience he level up and improves its characteristics (auto or selected by player). For example, the more a trader travels the faster he goes, the more a workshop produces the less time it takes to produce...
I like the concept, and found the first hour fun to play. After that, a number of things combined to make progress less fun:
1. Some way to delete buildings would be great. My screen was getting cluttered with mistakes I made before I better understood the game.
2. Progression based on # of days played was annoying. I was just starting to get the hang of things, and then more colors and nodes pops up. I agree with max pop idea mentioned below. For example, I never had a natural chance to explore the demand buildings (what do they do? no idea - need to get new goods to feed the population!).
3. Toggling workshops became annoying by the end - it became an action game instead of a strategy game, because I need to move the mouse to the left without touching any other nodes.
4. I was unable to get an owned dual producing workshop to continue working until I set both goods to on and supplied the needed goods, which didn't make sense to me (and thus took me a bit to think of).
5. A way to see all of my trade routes at once would be cool.
6. Agree that the different nodes need to be more distinct - the colors really start to blend once there's so many.
7. A way to force a buy on a market or let a workshop stockpile would be great. (I want to be able to have a trader moving back and forth all the time, regardless of demand - as it is now, the trader needs to wait until a workshop is ready to buy, but that's silly - the workshop should be able to stockpile).
8. A progress mechanic based on total global pop would be nice - as it is, I really only had 1 'city'.
Thanks for the feedback!
re: #7 Yeah, I half agree. Forcing a buy is a bit much, but I have a really hard time imagining that a physical craftsman would have a just in time supply system, which is what you're describing. Having a large stockpile is also unrealistic, but JIT is too. Although the unit of time is in years, so I suppose it's not exactly JIT. Anyhow, having a storage node sounds nice, and could be used as a means of speculative (YoY) trading as well. Although resource production in this game is fixed (unlike e.g. 15-40% variance in medieval crop yields), so actually YoY trading wouldn't make sense, so nevermind.
I played for a bit less than an hour and really enjoyed it. I am not sure if this forum message is only for feedback and/or for bug reports, so I will just bullet points both of them here.
Nice work on the interface. I think it's simple therefore easy to understand. That being said, I would suggest some improvements:
The game mechanic is great. Very addictive. We want to see our little market growing up and are waiting for the next evolution. Really liked that. It reminds me a lot of 90's games that I enjoyed. Here are my suggestions/bugs reports on the game mechanics:
I would have lots of other suggestions / bugs to report. I will keep them for further posts.
Also, I would have a lot of suggestions for social medias links (incorporate social media in the game mechanics).
As a treat, here is the result of my session:
Thanks a lot for your feedback! And bug reports is fine too :)
"The game mechanic is great. Very addictive. We want to see our little market growing up and are waiting for the next evolution. Really liked that. It reminds me a lot of 90's games that I enjoyed.
You made my day! :) 90's games inspire me a lot and I'm really glad I made you feel that way! I think I'll we display this quote on the main page of the game :)
Nice session, I think you made the most of what was possible and I need now to work on balancing the game to go further (several markets with more than 10 population for example is not possible now because there are not enough resources on the map).
I updated my tasks list with your feedback and I'll be very happy to hear your other suggestions. I'm really interested in you social media incorporation in game mechanics (I need more players! :)
Thanks again and enjoy :)
Too fast! :) I'm being rushed to where n! is greater than what i can internalize and watch at any one time. Perhaps a button to let me say, 'ok, i want to advance now' could find its way into the game as a kind of dummy mode? (Maybe on a 4th panel where one can tweak some of the day/population params discussed above.)
Its Landscape only? The rendering seems to require full-screen, or at least a min-width. It also does not flow into portrait mode; maybe the css could be loosened up a touch. Meanwhile, thank you for a touch of DF without the fps-death!
Great Game! Here are some problems I have:
1. auto mode is based on value in own market, stopping production of extremely valuable goods elsewhere
2. Many Factories and resources causes complicated trade routes, ending in undersupply and low cost effectiveness, you either need to hire 20 traders or have each one handle an entire production line, from resource to population