Thanks a lot Lemi glad you liked the game :)
Yeah what a time it was especially when you see where 3D’s gone in such a short time all things considered, really happy that my game managed to invoke you some good memories from back in those days ^^
Controls wise i felt that WASD + mouse was the way to go to have the shooting feel right, and that that would be the modern tweak needed for a bit more precise gameplay. As for the SFX since i had so much to work on in some aspects, i simply just decided to re-use my Mech Jam 3 Sfx since they seemed to fit when testing and it made sense for a sequel anyway.
haha yeah it’s been a bit of a staple so far to have a chara select, but i just can’t help it, especially since this time around there was a secondary theme that would fit this perfectly :p and yep i’m trying to make good use of any new trick i learn every game. Likewise ^^ although i know i might miss a lot of updates from fellow jammers since i’m not always around itch in between jams, i try to keep up at least a bit and check out every now and then though !
Wow thanks for those kind words :o, as always for my jam entry i’m not sure in advance if i’ll have time to do some post jam work, but if i can i’ll try to add a bit, though i don’t know if i’m ready yet for some full fledged game yet cause there’s still somethings i’m learning (yes even after that long :p)