Okay, couple of questions here;
1) How do people with the Cheat version actually access the cheats? I bought it from the blackcatstuodios website but it doesn't come with any instructions.
2) After doing the rat quest in the sewers and being given the PAT app, the UI changes entirely and I lose the ability to just... investigate areas? Is that intended? How do I get random event items like cum, lake water, etc and encounter NPC fights if there's no option to investigate at that point?
2b) I also can't work out at the gym at all at that point, Trald only says the same thing every time I visit him in the afternoon, no other quests pop up and I still have the 'find the code' note in my phone despite that quest being done.
3) My energy seems to run out WAY too fast. I'll do one encounter with Gen at the gym with a full battery, and then suddenly I'm blacking out in the streets and losing money. What?
4) Getting the bad end where the panda looking goo dude vores you throws an error when you try to reload after it. It does give you 4 different chances to back out and not let it happen, but curiosity killed the [Enter player species here.]
5) Because I can't investigate anything anywhere, I can't make any of the potions with Zorro, and Kru seems entirely unavailable to do his part where he's supposed to make the other transformatives for junk/ass/etc.
(Was this just a softlock because of the PAT system or...?)
Would love to know if it's just me, or if this version really is just broken right now. .-.