I feel the need to point out that this is not correct.
Rule 4:
Your written content must be original. Pre-existing art assets are allowed. AI-generated artwork is also allowed, as long as their use is disclosed in the submission, and the submission is set as "Free to Download" or "Pay What you Want" on the submission's itch.io page. AI-written entries will be disqualified. (I work on AI in my day job. I'll know if you did it.)
This says that if you use AI art, you may not charge. To be fair, I was also confused about this rule and emailed de Ropp several weeks ago asking: Can we charge for the submission if no AI art is used?
He responded: "You may absolutely charge if no ai is used. Just know that people judging the jam will be able to download it for free."
This led me to believe that it was cool to charge and you folks would be able to download it for free. Though, it may have just meant that the judge panel (de Ropp, Dungeon Dad, and House DM) are the only ones who can download it for free.
In any event, I apologize.