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Dank Dungeons

A member registered Aug 17, 2020 · View creator page →

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Sorry you're having trouble getting your copy. I'll look over my files but I don't think I have a print friendly version.
I have been looking into printing through Lulu but I haven't finished putting together the print proof yet. I can keep you informed on the progress for that if you would like.

Thanks! And I apologize, I don't have much of a timeline. It's just something I work on in-between other things.

If you haven't seen it, I commissioned a module already from Diogo Nogueira called The Dream Thieves, you can pick it up here: 

Yes! I commissioned another adventure module by a writer I really like. Not ready to announce yet since they're still putting it together. Hopefully in the next few months.

Sorry you haven't gotten your copy from LF. I hope that works out.
As an alternative I'm in the process of getting a print on demand version up on DriveThruRPG. It won't be nearly as nicely crafted but will do if you need something physical. However, that is still a month or two out. 

Congrats on making it into the top 8!!! I loved reviewing this one and I hope you win!

Interesting variant spell system.
Big fan of starting with some short fiction!
Charge conditions is a very compelling mechanic, I'd say the strongest part of the doc.
 The Worldbuilding Prompts give some great ideas to give the magic system more narrative weight.
I'm not a huge fan of the layout, as I find block text a little hard to parse sometimes, but overall that's not a big deal.
Thanks for putting this together!

Very flavorful character options for gothic play.
I like the idea of corruption making the characters able to be lost in a very different way than simply dying and how it opens up the door for more powerful character abilities. This is a tricky balance, but I think by in large the classes pull it off pretty well.

Densely packed 0-level gauntlet with a great narrative (who doesn't love slimes?)
Color coding and highlighting within the text is super helpful (also, I'm gonna say it, I like the fonts).
Lots of puzzles and traps to interact with.
Pretty comprehensive bestiary (including Mutant Baby!).
Worth checking out for sure!

Looks like a great option for those who want to play a D&D style bard in their Shadowdark game.
Great spell choices too. (didn't realize how much I missed Fog Cloud until I saw it here)

Imagining a horde as a creature stat block is an interesting idea and there are lots of cool abilities put into these stat blocks to bolster that mechanically. 

Simple, classic, one page dungeon.
Clearly presented and looks pretty easy to run. 

Great to see a supplement supporting play in a different environment from what we typically play in!
Including the real world far north endless night thing was such a great idea and fits perfectly with Shadowdark!
I liked all the stuff in Outdoor Travels but it left me wishing for a bit more mechanically, like rules for Frostbite would have been so cool. 
Nice mix of naturalistic and fantasy monsters for just a single page.
The Tether weapon tag opens up some cool options.

Shrunk down adventurer hijinks are the best!
Simple, but effective, dungeon.
Loved the sections on roleplaying the NPCs, super useful.
Putting boxed text at the bottom of the page is a really interesting idea, I think it works well.

Great use of the fantastic looking map here. Having the side-view and a player handout version is rad.
Working with the map, the encounters have some fun verticality and are generally well fleshed out with all sorts of details.
I notice that there's a reference to a location not in the module and I see in the comments that this is supposed to connect to another dungeon you've done? That's cool, although it makes this difficult to stand on its own.
This would definitely be a fun insert into a campaign with similar themes, thanks for making it!

Very clever formatting to fit within the 8-page limit.
Great setup and region info.
Excellent spot art and map.
Good balance of combat/npc interaction/traps.
Really cool ways for the players to uncover the narrative.
I only wish the boar hunt itself had a bit more to it. It just seems like a device to get them to the ruined stronghold, which is fine, but given the title of the module its not what I was expecting going in.
Overall this totally rules, thanks for making it!

Super unique setting!
Great flavor and a lot of thought clearly went into how the different inhabitants live and interact.
The "Running this Campaign Setting" section offers some really practical and fun advise.
Interesting player options with the Ancestries.
I wish we had gotten a little more mechanics to show how the setting players differently than others.
Also Monsters, gosh some cool bug monsters would have been awesome in this!
Thanks for all your hard work, lots of good stuff in here!

I had some initial confusion when I saw that within the Wild Magic path there is an option called Wild Magic (pg4), which makes sense narratively but is a bit odd functionally.
Also, just that your path options are numbered but then below that are numbered roll results. So one number is chosen but the other is randomized. I feel like there may be a better way to present that.
Like I said though, this is pretty minor information presentation quibbles. Overall it's a great PDF.

Sets up a strong theme and delivers on it.
Offers a lot for the players to do and the flexibility in when/if they do it.
Very readable, solid layout, and excellent map.
Great module!

Lots to like about this!
The "customize it!" sections offer some fantastic advice.
Extras are fun and useful.
Maps are well laid out and using the keying within the text was a great idea.
Really good teaching dungeon.

Gross, but in a good way! Really appreciated the map being featured on multiple spreads so it can be referred back to easily.

Cool! Really great variety of options between the class and companion talents.
Also, Velociraptor companion? I'm sold!

Yeah, cutting something down can be really tricky, I understand.
You should totally put out a longer version after the jam and let me know, I'd love to check that out!

Very interesting! Offers a lot of varied narrative options for your character. I found some of the some of the titling a bit confusing but that's not a big deal.
Totally something I will try out, thanks for making it!

Really nice looking map.
Clearly written and laid out encounters.
Some very clever rooms with good telegraphing and flavor that furthers the narrative well.
Scattering the quest treasure throughout the dungeon is a great trick to get the party to check everything.
Great work!

Really cool rules supplement!
Battle seems to walk the line between simple to run and having enough options to keep things varied.
I especially liked how Recruiting is sort of an altered form of Carousing, doing something specific to this system using preexisting rule framework.

Solid little dungeon crawl. I like the Rumors & Hooks as well as the side quest objective of saving Ginger. 

Great vibe. Awesome telegraphing. Tons of neat details. Simple, yet effective.

Yeah, no one seems to be able to. It's a bummer. Maybe he meant only the judges panel could?
I'm sorry about that, I didn't think it would be an issue.

I feel the need to point out that this is not correct.

Rule 4: 
Your written content must be original. Pre-existing art assets are allowed. AI-generated artwork is also allowed, as long as their use is disclosed in the submission, and the submission is set as "Free to Download" or "Pay What you Want" on the submission's page. AI-written entries will be disqualified. (I work on AI in my day job. I'll know if you did it.)

This says that if you use AI art, you may not charge. To be fair, I was also confused about this rule and emailed de Ropp several weeks ago asking: Can we charge for the submission if no AI art is used?

He responded: "You may absolutely charge if no ai is used. Just know that people judging the jam will be able to download it for free."

This led me to believe that it was cool to charge and you folks would be able to download it for free. Though, it may have just meant that the judge panel (de Ropp, Dungeon Dad, and House DM) are the only ones who can download it for free.

In any event, I apologize.

Excellent! So much creativity packed into one stat block! I feel like this is also a meta-joke explaining why Shadowdark is b/w, and that's great.

Haunting. Bizarre. Excellent use of public domain art.

Classic dark fairy tale setup, very cool. The tables for creating the dungeons are great, really fun ideas in here. I wish we had some more NPCs with some secrets, rumors, or varying motivations to make the players time outside the mounds a little more interesting. Overall looks like a solid one or two shot that I would run.

It’s true! And totally worth a heads up since the other stuff doesn’t have a charge.

Thanks! And I had thought this as well but emailed de Ropp to ask. Turns out you're only bared from charging if you use AI art.

per an email I sent to him: "You may absolutely charge if no ai is used. Just know that people judging the jam will be able to download it for free."

A5 version is now available for download!

Yeah, I think I have a copy of that in my files somewhere, I could add it as a download option


(1 edit)

Agreed! Good luck to everyone who submitted. I’ve been reading a bunch of the quests and there’s some real fun stuff in here! Really excited to see Ash’s videos on them.

Yes! It's done! (I was able to do bookmarking and a fix a bunch of typos in my recent holiday time off)
I'm about to upload the new pdf now