First of all, finishing any game in 48 hrs is an accomplishment, so good job.
Pros: The environmental design is really intuitive; I was guided to where I needed to go without even realizing I was being guided there until afterwards for the most part. The game was about the perfect length for a game jam game, and the little animations were all well implemented. And I felt like it was paced very well too, although that was hard for me to gauge in this case (see bellow).
Cons: So, I actually played this with my sound turned off (accidentally) and so I got stuck looking for the soda can. I got pretty frustrated and confused, but that's really not the developers fault per se. I also didn't realize I could click the mouse to progress the dialogue, so I wondered around for a few seconds with the first line of dialogue on the bottom of the screen. So again, don't know that that's the developer's fault. However, clarity is important, and it's a good reminder of the importance of communicating to a player what they can and can't do (usually through a well crafted tutorial, in bigger games). The other nitpick I had was that moving around the tombstones got cumbersome when I was looking for the soda can, but again, if I'd had my sound on I would not have been looking for it for as long as I did.
Overall, I think this is a solid game, and I believe it's the developer's first released game, which is even more impressive. Keep up the great work and keep coding!